04 January 2016

Six goals for 2016


As an interesting experiment, I’ve set six goals for 2016 and will review them again at the end of the year. Or at the end of every month. It really depends on how much content I have.

I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. They’re proven to fail, you can set them at any other time of the year, and I often end up picking something rubbish like “go to the gym”, where the only pounds I lose are straight out of my purse.

This year, as I’m starting with a completely clean slate – no job, no boyfriend, no house – I’ve decided to do something a little different. Instead of setting resolutions, I’m setting goals.

With six goals to accomplish in 2016, I can reasonably look to achieve one per every two months. So here they are, my demons, motivators and expectations for the year ahead:
  1. Get a job
  2. Move out of your parent’s house before it’s too late. You’ve only have two more years before it gets really sad.
  3. Lose 12 lbs (one each month, easy does it)
  4. Explore places, including:
    1. Newquay
    2. Isle of Wight
    3. Ireland
    4. Amsterdam
    5. Manchester
    6. Parma
    7. … Hong Kong?
  5. Run 10k. You’ve been saying you’re going to do it for two years. Just get on with it. JUST DO IT. And eat some vegetables while you’re at it, you’re nearly 23 for God’s sake.
  6. Date. Properly. Perhaps once a month. Maybe. Let’s not push it. A little less 2016 a little more touch me.
So that's it. Six goals, twelve months. That's nice and realistic right?

Now for the tricky part... Completing them.

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